Linkuri si offtopice – 23 noiembrie 2013

foto: samuraie fragilă, caut locșor de parcare, călduț. Sau, cum s-ar zicea, călîie caut călîu.

Zilnic vom avea linkuri, tweeturi, statusuri de facebook, imagini video de la noi și de aiurea. Update-urile se vor face în timp real, așa că va trebui să mai dați refresh din cînd în cînd.

20:31 – Blaga: PDL nu va vota bugetul pentru că este „fanariot” şi de „involuţie economică” – Mediafax

Pentru că nu se poate, pur şi simplu, să nu iei nicio măsură de creştere economică, să-ţi propui să aduni 5 miliarde de lei din noi taxe şi impozite şi un leu să nu bagi din aceştia în consum. Pentru că înţeleg că socialiştilor le convine, dar noilor socialişti din PNL nu înţeleg cum le convine să nu ia nicio măsură de creştere economică.


19:04 – Buddhist Extremist Cell Vows To Unleash Tranquility On West – The Onion
17:54 – Kommisarii prețurilor contra burghezului Lidl – Logec
08:08 – The Batkid Rises Trailer – Youtube

Miles Scott, a 5-year-old Leukemia survivor had his wish come true as San Francisco turned into Gotham City with Scott as Batkid. This was made possible by Make a Wish Foundation & the city of San Francisco.


Given the reigning Motion Picture Academy Best Picture is the true story of how Hollywood secretly teamed up with the CIA to free six American embassy hostages in Iran, the following revelation doesn’t seem so far fetched.

It may even do “Argo” one better. It’s all about a Hollywood heavyweight who actually was an arms dealer and Israeli intelligence operative right around the time of the hostage crisis in 1979.

That’s right. Arnon Milchan, who produced blockbusters such as “Fight Club,” “L.A. Confidential,” and “Pretty Woman,” is set to reveal for the first time details of his secret deals to get arms for Israel among other very hush-hush operations.

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21 Comments Linkuri si offtopice – 23 noiembrie 2013

  1. Yeba

    deci, in caz ca nu se vede print-screen-ul, scrie asa apart 540.000 euro + 100 000 finisaje = 740 000. In studio sunt 4 persoane, dintre care unul este fostul sef al SRI (hă, hă, hă). Nimeni nu observă vreo greseală.

  2. Bleen

    Andreea Pora.

    Așa era ea de la începuturi sau a pățit ceva între timp?

    Oda lui Basescu (Scrisoare de la un basist adevarat)

    Sa fie clar, a dat telefonul tot in enteresul tarii, sa-l impiedice pe plagiatoru sa-l schimbe pe ala de la CEC. Ca i-o fi si multumit cu ocazia asta pentru imprumut, e normal, doar nu poti sa fii nesimtit la suma asta. D-aia spun si eu ca baiatul ala, Papahagi, am auzit ca-i tinar si scolit, bine face ca-l apara pe domnul Presedinte pina in pinzele albe. Bine le-a zis la ziaristele alea doua ca-s urite, proaste si platite, ca io asta intelesei, de o tot tin cu moralitea-n bat. Ce, asa se judeca lucrurile in cazul domnului Presedinte, de moralitate avem noi nevoie acum cind e iarasi care pe care? Sa traiesti domnu Papahagi, sa-ti dea Dumnezeu sanatate si sa te vedem eurodeputat impreuna cu domnul fost ministru Baconschi, baiat fin si el. Sunt sigura ca domnul Presedinte o sa va puna pe lista la partidul ala nou al lui.

    Si pina la urma ce vor si rielativizatorii astia, adica ei nu vad ca toti fura de la stat, iar domnul Presedinte sa n-aiba voie nici macar sa ia un credit. Pai de ce sa n-aiba, ce el traieste tot in tara asta? Adica pentru unii muma si pentru altii ciuma? Adica domnul Presedinte trebuie sa ramina sarac, nu poate sa aiba grija si el de familie doar pentru ca-i presedinte. Mie tocmai d-asta imi place domnul Presedinte, ca-i un tata atit de bun, se vede pe el cit de tare le iubeste pe fete, nu ca altii pe care-i stiu eu

    1. Yeba

      Nu-mi vine să cred. Ei, asta nu mai e o părere, o impresie că trebuia ținut Morar etc., asta este compunere contracost. Nimeni nu scrie gratis un gunoi ca ăsta, că e gunoi inclusiv dpdv literar.

      1. Rheia

        Fix asta i-am zis și eu femeii, acum zece secunde, să vedem dacă ies din moderare. Domne, asta ce are Alina Mungiu Pippidi se ia ca varicela!

  3. Bleen

    În numeroase zone din Yemen legea nu permite ca invitaţii să poarte cu ei arme la nunţi, dar mulţi dintre aceştia nu respectă interdicţia.

    În ciuda eforturilor autorităţilor, apar frecvent cazuri de persoane ucise la nuntă de gloanţe trase pentru celebrarea evenimentului.

    Tragedie la o nuntă: Cel puţin trei persoane au murit după ce au fost împuşcate în timp ce dansau pe melodia „Gangnam Style”

    1. Rheia

      Băse și Udrea, ce? (deși mai normal era să zici Băse și Ud, nu?) Ah, abia acum a băgat Disqusul și imaginea. Ei, lasă, că Meryl Streep nu e chiar așa frumoasă.

  4. Rheia

    Mare invenție, Wikipedia asta. Căutam și eu, nevinovată, să văd cum o chema pe directoarea școlii particulare la care a fost Eleanor Roosevelt în Anglia, și, dintr-una într-alta, via Lytton Strachey, am ajuns să aflu de unde vine mustăceala unora cînd se invocă observația „Pe termen lung, sîntem cu toții morți”. Nefiind homofobă, nu mi-ar fi dat prin cap. Dar nici nu pot spune că sînt imună la bănuială: „Keynes’s
    early romantic and sexual relationships were exclusively with men. Keynes was
    open about his affairs, and between 1901 to 1915, kept separate diaries in which
    he tabulated his many sexual encounters. Attitudes in the Bloomsbury Group, in
    which Keynes was avidly involved, were relaxed about homosexuality. Keynes,
    together with writer Lytton Strachey, had reshaped the Victorian attitudes of
    the Cambridge Apostles: „since [their] time, homosexual relations among
    the members were for a time common”, wrote Bertrand Russell. Strachey had
    previously found himself put off by Keynes, not least because of his manner of
    „treat[ing] his love affairs statistically”. Political opponents have
    used Keynes’ sexuality to attack his academic work. One line of attack held
    that he was uninterested in the long term ramifications of his theories because
    he had no children.”

  5. Bleen

    Înțeleg de ce Blaga e supărat pe guvernul USL că nu bagă destui bani în consum. Milionul de euro băgat în ginerele lui Blaga e prea puțin.

  6. Bleen

    S-a contrat pe el pe o temă extrem de importantă și decisivă pentru Blaga, cum ar fi urmărirea penală a lui Videanu sau contractele cu statul ale lui ginere-său. Ă, ba nu.

    „Aş vrea să reiterez poziţia PDL, care este un partid vertical, condus de oameni verticali. Pe mine nu mă cheamă Ponta şi PDL-ul nu este PSD. (…). Noi suntem pentru exploatarea aurului de la Roşia Montană, dar cu respectarea tuturor condiţiilor de mediu la cel mai înalt nivel asumate de către Uniunea Europeană. Noi nu am fost de acord cu proiectul Ponta – Roşia Montană, cum nu a fost de acord ministrul lui de Justiţie, care, pe 17 pagini, l-a desfiinţat. Şi, până la urmă, iată, au ajuns la aceeaşi condiţie ca şi noi: că nu merge. Dar cu respectarea condiţiilor de mediu, cu asumarea de către Guvern, aşa cum se face, cu aviz de mediu de la ministerul de resort care are, cel puţin în teorie, cei mai buni specialişti, da”, a declarat Vasile Blaga, citat de Agerpres.

    În schimb, europarlamentarul Monica Macovei a declarat, în aceeaşi conferinţă de presă, că ea este împotriva exploatării de la Roşia Montană. „Diversitatea de opinie este respectată în partid. (…). Din 2010, poziţia mea este constantă. Eu sunt împotriva exploatării cu cianură de la Roşia Montană. Punct”, a spus Macovei.
    – See more at:

  7. Bleen

    Alții au probleme importante.

    ”From Holy Kingdom to Unholy nightmare – Why this is the best DLC yet
    So downloaded Sons of Abraham and I was having the standard game as Ireland in a TOG start, exploring the hilarity of jewish courtiers and loans thereof, pilgrimages that turned me into closet atheists without fail and the occasional Irish Band usurpation of Turkastan turning the aral sea into an Irish Catholic lake (Which is a story all its own, believe you me, you have not seen crusader kings lunacy until you see Irishmen fend off a Cuman invasion singlehanded and troll the Islamic world like it ain’t no thing.

    But then interesting things happened. I was called into a petty war over a single province by the king of Navarra, my father in law which dragged on for fucking ever because I only recently unified Ireland and I had zero boats and Galicia was taking its sweet time in attacking Navarra, which is when I got the Joan of Arc event chain (won’t go into detail here but needless to say, this was fucking amazing) Lasairfionna the Maid of Ormond arrived at my court, the stories that generated where worth a book of their own, turning my king from Cynical to Zealous and aiding my efforts in coming to the aid of the King of Strathclyde in evicting the norse and having him swear to me, greatly improving my martial tech growth and generally being badass, so of course I married her to my heir (this is before I noticed the celibate trait and was like ‘Damnit’) who promptly got her pregnant because apparently he’s a fucking beast. My king became a paragon of virtue, gaining the nickname the Holy, the college of Cardinals has three Irish cardinals at any one time and at least one Irish Pope. Not bad for my first 30 years of ruling.

    Thats about the time I had my daughter, Sebdan, the child of SATAN.

    I am not kidding, when she was born I got the event chain showing off her odd traits, being very quiet, not crying or giving fuss, creating buzzing noises when around other children and laughing when other people got hurt. So I went to the court chaplain to see if he could calm my obviously insane idea that she is the bastard child of Satan. He of course, did not such thing and confirmed my fear and told me to disinherit the child and imprison my wife as a witch. My options where to kill him to silence the rumours, do as he said or ignore it and pretend nothing is wrong, roleplaying a good and kindly king who could not fathom his wife and daughter being such evil creatures (and being so damned sure Paradox would never do something like actually follow through with the threat of a satanic overthrow of a kingdom) he of course ignored it all.

    Thats when a Frankish nun arrived at my court who seemed to get along very well with the child and was a mastermind theologian with 26 learning. Suspicious, sure, but I made her my court chaplain anyway. Then sent her to Hungary to try to convert the Arpad dynasty and she was predictably imprisioned. Ransoming her I got her back and put her in my court chaplain position again.

    Thats when she tried to convert me to Cathar.

    Thinking nothing of it, I imprisoned her, got her to convert, had her retake the vows and made her a chaplain again (where the hell was I going to get another chaplain with those stats again?)

    And shortly thereafter I got an event straight out of the fucking OMEN.

    Out for a picnic, my king looked up, saw the nun on top of an old watchtower in her habit (or some other black robes) she shouted down to my daughter Sebdan, proclaiming her love for her. And then jumped. My daughter clapping all the way to her bloody smushy death.

    Now thoroughly horrified, I had my daughter educated by Lasairfionna because suddenly shit got real and Paradox was seriously threatening me with the spawn of satan. I figured my not!Joan of Arc with her voice of Jesus and insanely goody good good traits would straighten her out. And for the most part? It did. She became honest, gregarious and Just and I left well enough alone, finally put at ease.

    So then my king died and Sebdan came of age. AND BECAME THE INCARNATION OF EVIL. She instantly lost all of her good traits (barring gregarious) and became a cruel, deceitful, lustful, envious impaler who was not only a brilliant strategist because of her education but a GENIUS who was possessed and had the voice of satan modifier to go with her demon spawn modifier.

    Thats when family members started mysteriously dying. Some of disease, others by maiming, natural causes, poor health and waaaaaay too many suspicious accidents. Before I realized what was going on I died and Sebdan inherited. In a last ditch hope of making her a better person (and prevent a massive vassal revolt by my dukes) I sent her on a pilgrimage to Rome, her husband, a baron, became regent in her stead (poor bastard, I had her betrothed to the king of Lotheringia but broke it because I didn’t want to inflict anything on the poor bastard) So she arrives in Rome, ignoring all chances of being charitable… And proceeds to reveal herself as God in the Basilica of St.Peter and St.Paul.

    After being thrown out, naturally, she swears vengeance on the worshippers of false idols and my vassals promptly revolted, trying to put my kinsmen on the throne. ANY OTHER KINSMEN. So I was forced to use my not inconsiderable resources to pull up a few mercenaries.

    I needn’t have bothered.

    Because almost as soon as the wars started I had reinforcements.

    From the devil himself.

    Three legendary pagan witches, Circe of Greece, Morganna of Wales and Jezebal of the Levant arrived in dublin, each leading five hundred knights, heavy infantrymen and longbowmen to help me put down the revolts, all of them attrative mystics, one an especially talented diplomat, another and exceptional spymaster and still another a great marshal. All of them have exceptional traits and stats and all of them love me as I am the chosen one, giving +500 relations.

    So now I have put down the revolts, and my army of the damned terrorize the Irish High Kingdom and there’s not a damned thing anyone can do about it but stare in utter horror of the fulfillment of a satanic plot to overthrow a kingdom blessed by the arrival of a warrior saint who now weeps over the corpses of her dead family.

    Help me.”

  8. Rheia

    Probabil mi se transformă în idee fixă, dar tot o spun: eu cred că Ghiță o să-i facă lui Ponta ce i-a făcut Vîntu lui Geoană, chiar dacă din motive imediate diferite și cu mijloace (ușor) diferite. Așa că nu mă mai obosesc să-l urmăresc. E cal mort. Nici clei n-o să mai aleagă din el la anul (ca să zic așa…)

  9. Canadiana

    Il reevaluez pe Banciu: in ultimul timp, vorbeste bine. Avu azi un monolog despre presa care il deplange pe Becali si vaicarea „demnitatea” lui 0049. Nu le zice rau.


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