Alegătorii din Venezuela aleg astăzi președintele, după o domnie de 14 ani a lui Hugo Chavez, cel care a părăsit puterea doar cu picioarele înainte și datorită (mulțumită, grație) unui cancer. Candidați sînt Nicolas Maduro, din partea Partidului Socialist Unit, peședinte interimar și fost vicepreședinte al lui Chavez și Henrique Capriles Radonski, reprezentantul opoziției democratice. Capriles a fost contracandidatul lui Hugo Chavez și în 2012, cînd acesta din urmă a cîștigat un scrutin marcat de violențe și fraudă electorală. Dealtfel, puterea socialistă e decisă să cîștige și acest scrutin prin violențe și fraudă.
După 14 ani de domnie a lui Chavez, Venezuela este pe ultimele locuri în lume la libertatea economică și la statul de drept.
2013 Index of Economic Freedom (Heritage Foundation)
Venezuela (scoruri de la 0 la 100) – în paranteză, pentru comparație, scorurile statului Chile (cea mai capitalistă țară sud americană)
Rule o Law
- Property Rights 5.0 (90.0)
- Freedom of Corruption 19.0 (72.0)
Limited Government
- Government spending 50.6 (83.7)
- Fiscal Freedom 75.6 (77.6)
Regulatory Efficiency
- Business Freedom 45.6 (70.5)
- Labor Freedom 34.5 (74.2)
- Monetary Freedom 47.3 (84.6)
Open Markets
- Trade Freedom 58.8 (82.0)
- Investment Freedom 5.0 (85.0)
- Financial Freedom 20.0 (70.0)
Cum se calculează scorurile: Rule of Law, Limited Government, Regulatory Efficiency, Open Markets.
The World Justice Project – Rule of Law Index
Venezuela (scoruri de la 0 la 1) – în paranteză, pentru comparație, scorurile statului Chile (cea mai capitalistă țară sud americană)
Limited Government Powers 0.25 (0.74)
- Government powers are effectively limited by the legislature 0.29 (0.78)
- Government powers are effectively limited by the judiciary 0.23 (0.66)
- Government powers are effectively limited by independent auditing and review 0.14 (0.76)
- Government officials are sanctioned for misconduct 0.14 (0.59)
- Government powers are subject to non-governmental checks 0.40 (0.74)
- Transition of power is subject to the law 0.30 (0.89)
Absence of Corruption 0.32 (0.74)
- Government officials in the executive branch do not use public office for private gain 0.39 (0.78)
- Government officials in the judicial branch do not use public office for private gain 0.24 (0.78)
- Government officials in the police and the military do not use public office for private gain 0.37 (0.83)
- Government officials in the legislative branch do not use public office for private gain 0.29 (0.56)
Order and Security 0.51 (0.70)
- Crime is effectively controlled 0.31 (0.77)
- Civil conflict is effectively limited 1.00 (1.00)
- People do not resort to violence to redress personal grievances 0.22 (0.34)
Fundamental Rights 0.48 (0.73)
- Equal treatment and absence of discrimination 0.50 (0.57)
- The right to life and security of the person is effectively guaranteed 0.32 (0.84)
- Due process of law and rights of the accused are effectively guaranteed 0.25 (0.61)
- Freedom of opinion and expression is effectively guaranteed 0.40 (0.74)
- Freedom of belief and religion is effectively guaranteed 0.81 (0.79)
- Freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy is effectively guaranteed 0.33 (0.82)
- Freedom of assembly and association is effectively guaranteed 0.60 (0.77)
- Fundamental labor rights are effectively guaranteed 0.65 (0.69)
Open Government 0.36 (0.68)
- The laws are publicized and accessible 0.53 (0.54)
- The laws are stable 0.31 (0.89)
- Right to petition the government and public participation 0.38 (0.52)
- Official information is available on request 0.22 (0.78)
Regulatory Enforcement 0.33 (0.66)
- Government regulations are effectively enforced 0.45 (0.57)
- Government regulations are applied and enforced without improper influence 0.45 (0.70)
- Administrative proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delay 0.27 (0.74)
- Due process is respected in administrative proceedings 0.18 (0.49)
- The Government does not expropriate without adequate compensation 0.28 (0.77)
Civil Justice 0.38 (0.66)
- People can access and afford civil justice 0.55 (0.77)
- Civil justice is free of discrimination 0.61 (0.65)
- Civil justice is free of corruption 0.31 (0.69)
- Civil justice is free of improper government influence 0.27 (0.74)
- Civil justice is not subject to unreasonable delays 0.14 (0.38)
- Civil justice is effectively enforced 0.20 (0.60)
- ADRs are accessible, impartial, and effective 0.57 (0.80)
Criminal Justice 0.24 (0.60)
- Criminal investigation system is effective 0.36 (0.61)
- Criminal adjudication system is timely and effective 0.20 (0.68)
- Correctional system is effective in reducing criminal behavior 0.05 (0.26)
- Criminal system is impartial 0.27 (0.56)
- Criminal system is free of corruption 0.30 (0.74)
- Criminal system is free of improper government influence 0.23 (0.77)
- Due process of law and rights of the accused 0.25 (0.61)
Venezuela are o populație de 29 milioane de locuitori (Chile are 17.5 milioane), 13 070 dolari PIB pe cap de locuitor (Chile are 17 380).
Venezuela este țara cu cele mai importante rezerve de petrol din lume, urmată de Arabia Saudită, Canada, Iran, Irak, Kuwait, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Rusia, Kazahstan și Libia. La producția efectivă este depășită de Rusia, Arabia Saudită, Statele Unite, Iran, China, Canada, Nigeria, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Irak și Kuwait.
Chile este cea mai importantă producătoare de cupru din lume, urmată de Statele Unite, Peru și China.