The Foundry: Why Does MSNBC Want to Go Backwards?

Another MSNBC commentator, Touré Neblett, said the line that rights come from God and nature is “so offensive.” For “black people, Hispanic people, and women, our rights do not come from God or nature. . . They come from the government and from legislation that happens in relatively recent history in America.”

But rights don’t come from government. They can merely be protected by governments.

Natural rights are those inalienable rights which directly result from human nature. Humans possess these rights, including the right to one’s own life and the right to liberty, simply by virtue of being human. This is the only secure grounding for rights.


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4 Comments The Foundry: Why Does MSNBC Want to Go Backwards?

  1. Rosu

    A, inca ceva: considerentele pe care se bazeaza cugetarea acestui domn Toure Neblett sunt profund si puternic rasiste… Nu exista „our rights” si „their rights”… rights are rights.

  2. Rosu

    Daca drepturile vin de la guverne/administratii, atunci ele pot fi si revocate de catre aceleasi autoritati care le-au „dat”… In acest caz singurul lucru pe care l-a dovedit respectivul cugetator teve este ca e extrem de limitat, ba chiar imi fac griji in privinta abilitatii lui de a intelege concepte simple, cum ar fi ca lumina vine de la Soare, care este un corp ceresc iar guvernul poate eventual sa te tina la intuneric, dar sa faca Soarele sa rasara nu va putea niciodata…
    Scrie dara si la Solomon in Sfanta Scriptura ca nebunia striga pe ulitele cetatatii…


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