Offtopice – 20 iunie 2013

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Ronald Reagan & James Dean – The Dark, Dark Hours (General Electric Theater)

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989). Before that, he was the 33rd Governor of California (1967–1975), and a radio, film and television actor.

Born in Tampico, Illinois, and raised in Dixon, Reagan was educated at Eureka College, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and sociology. After graduating, Reagan moved first to Iowa to work as a radio broadcaster and then, in 1937, to Los Angeles where he began a career as an actor, first in films and later television. Some of his most notable films include Knute Rockne, All American (1940),Kings Row (1942), and Bedtime for Bonzo (1951). Reagan served as President of the Screen Actors Guild and later as a spokesman for General Electric (GE); his start in politics occurred during his work for GE. Originally a member of the Democratic Party, his positions began shifting rightward in the 1950s, and he switched to the Republican Party in 1962.

After delivering a rousing speech in support of Barry Goldwater’s presidential candidacy in 1964, he was persuaded to seek the California governorship, winning two years later and again in 1970. He was defeated in his run for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968 and in 1976, but won both the nomination and general election in 1980, defeating incumbent Jimmy Carter.

As president, Reagan implemented sweeping new political and economic initiatives. His supply-side economic policies, dubbed „Reaganomics”, advocated reducing tax rates to spur economic growth, controlling the money supply to reduce inflation, deregulation of the economy, and reducing government spending. In his first term he survived an assassination attempt, took a hard line against labor unions, announced a new War on Drugs, and ordered an invasion of Grenada. He was re-elected in a landslide in 1984, proclaiming that it was „Morning in America”. His second term was primarily marked by foreign matters, such as the ending of the Cold War, the 1986 bombing of Libya, and the revelation of the Iran–Contra affair. Publicly describing the Soviet Union as an „evil empire”, he supported anti-communist movements worldwide and spent his first term forgoing the strategy of détente by ordering a massive military buildup in an arms race with the USSR. Reagan negotiated with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, culminating in the INF Treaty and the decrease of both countries’ nuclear arsenals.

Reagan left office in 1989. In 1994, the former president disclosed that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease earlier in the year; he died ten years later at the age of 93. A conservative icon, he ranks highly in public opinion polls of U.S. Presidents and is credited for generating an ideological renaissance on the American political right.

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10 Comments Offtopice – 20 iunie 2013

    1. Yeba

      Bleen deci la 4:32 au constatat că totuși mișcă, deci dreapta mai poate spera? Poate găsești ceva cu El Cid. După ce a murit, terminați de durere, l-au legat cumva de cal și l-au scos la luptă, ca să ridice moralul oștirii și să se sperie sarazinii. Nu-mi iese din minte.

  1. Nea

    OstapB Una groasă, pe care n-o să găsiţi pe Wikipedia: pigmeii şi boşimanii trăiesc mult mai puţin, pe la 6 ani vânează şi pe la 10 se căsătoresc. Ei sunt tot oameni, supuşi legislaţiei omeneşti. Să zicem că unul fură nişte termopane şi primeşte 3 ani. Ăia trei ani fac cam 7 în ani de european iar un duş s-ar putea să pară o veşnicie.

  2. Bleen

    • There is now a senate of 100 members all of whom are members of one of 5 factions
    • Each diplomatic and espionage action is liked or disliked by a party, although if you have more than 40% war score or less than –40% the senate will always be willing to make peace
    • Each character is also affiliated to a faction
    • Characters will consider switching faction according to their job
    • The faction affiliation of the consul gives the country bonuses (or penalties)
    • Charismatic characters in important positions will influence the composition of the senate
    • Each republican government form defines how long the term of a consul last and how many years must pass until a consul can be elected again. The senate will have three likely candidates they are considering
    • The conditions for holding senior jobs are much more restrictive in republics
    • Each of the senior jobs has a time limit (although some of these are for life)
    • When someone’s term is up the senate may recommend someone else for the job
    • As the populists gain more support the risks of a populist civil war increase
    • Depending on the party the consul is a member of; a republic may change ideas of that type for free.
    Except for Populist consuls, they pick a random idea for your country (oh those crazy populists they love having a laugh)
    Din manualul jocului Europa Universalis: Rome, un joc de strategie făcut de suedezii de la Paradox Interactive. Sună mai cu bun simț decît Comisia Antonescu.

  3. Yeba

    Mai bine scrii ceva ficţiune, asta merge şi când speli paharele de bere, oricum piaţa politică văd că a intrat în letargie, mă plictisesc până şi pe A3.

    1. Bleen

      YebaNumai o lovitură de stat ne mai salvează de la plictis. Dar USL a cîștigat tot, așa că-i lipsește motivația. Să vorbim cu Blaga și Cezar Preda, să dea el o lovitură de stat. Numai că ăștia, la cît de idioți sînt, ar fi în stare să dea o lovitură de stat în Bulgaria sau cine mai știe pe unde.

  4. Bleen

    Și una bună. În 1972 Arthur Bremer l-a împușcat pe George Wallace, candidat la primarele prezidențiale ale Partidului Democrat. George Wallace a supraviețuit, dar a rămas paralizat. Personajul principal din Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle, este inspirat de Arthur Bremer, al cărui jurnal a fost făcut public în 1973. John Hinckley, cel care l-a împușcat pe Reagan, și care era obsedat de Jodie Foster, s-a inspirat din Taxi Driver.


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