Romania socialista. Evolutia libertatii economice in ultimii 18 ani si clasamentul mondial in 2013.

Pacificul rulz. Noua Zeelandă ne așteaptă cu drag


Indexul Economic Freedom (Heritage Foundation)


Locul Statul Punctaj
1 Hong Kong 89.3
2 Singapore 88.0
3 Australia 82.6
4 Noua Zeelandă 81.4
5 Elveția 81.0


Miracolul chilian (Milton Friedman, Chicago Boys și Pinochet)


6 Canada 79.4
7 Chile 79.0
8 Mauritius 76.9
9 Denmark 76.1
10 United States 76.0
11 Ireland 75.7
12 Bahrain 75.5
13 Estonia 75.3
14 United Kingdom 74.8
15 Luxembourg 74.2
16 Finland 74.0
17 Netherlands 73.5
18 Sweden 72.9
19 Germany 72.8
20 Taiwan 72.7
21 Georgia 72.2
22 Lithuania 72.1
23 Iceland 72.1
24 Japan 71.8
25 Austria 71.8
26 Macau 71.7
27 Qatar 71.3
28 United Arab Emirates 71.1
29 Czech Republic 70.9
30 Botswana 70.6
31 Norway 70.5
32 Saint Lucia 70.4
33 Jordan 70.4
34 South Korea 70.3
35 Bahamas 70.1


Sîntem sub Albania dar deasupra Franței


42 Slovakia 68.7
43 Macedonia 68.2
48 Hungary 67.3
55 Latvia 66.5
57 Poland 66.0
58 Albania 65.2
59 Romania 65.1
60 Bulgaria 65.0
62 France 64.1
83 Italy 60.6
100 Brazil 57.7
115 Moldova 55.5
117 Greece 55.4
136 China 51.9
139 Russia 51.1
154 Belarus 48.0
156 Bolivia 47.9
159 Ecuador 46.9
160 Argentina 46.7
161 Ukraine 46.3
167 Congo 43.5
168 Iran 43.2
174 Venezuela 36.1
177 North Korea 1.5


ROMÂNIA (locul 59, 65.1 puncte – între europeni sîntem pe locul 28 din 43)


Situația detaliată a României



The rule of law is uneven, and contracts are not always strongly upheld. The judicial system suffers from political interference, inefficiency, and excessive workloads. Enforcement of legislation protecting patents, trademarks, and copyrights is very weak. Long-time public mistrust of government due to widespread public-sector corruption has been exacerbated by an erosion of democratic accountability since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008.

Property Rights 40.0

Freedom from Corruption 36.0



Both the income and corporate tax rates are a flat 16 percent. Other taxes include a value-added tax (VAT) and an environmental tax. The overall tax burden equals 26.5 percent of total domestic income. Government spending is equivalent to 35.5 percent of total domestic output. The deficit has been narrowing, and public debt is about 30 percent of GDP. Recently implemented austerity measures have caused a political backlash.

Government Spending 62.2

Fiscal Freedom 87.9



The processes for business formation and operation have been streamlined. Launching a business takes six procedures and 10 days, although completing licensing requirements continues to be time-consuming. Efficient bankruptcy procedures and rules have not been fully implemented. Labor regulations remain rigid, although several amendments to improve the flexibility of the labor code have been made. Inflation is relatively high.

Business freedom 70.4

Labor Freedom 63.5

Monetary Freedom 74.7



The trade-weighted average tariff rate is a low 1.6 percent as in other members of the European Union, although there are some non-tariff barriers that increase the cost of trade. Foreign investment is encouraged officially but discouraged in practice by regulatory inconsistency, unpredictability, and a lack of transparency. The evolving financial sector is open to competition, with foreign-owned banks dominating the banking sector.

Trade Freedom 86.8

Investment Freedom 80.0

Financial Freedom 50.0


Guverne de stînga și guverne de stînga în ultimii 18 ani. Așteptăm cu speranță anul 2024 și prima guvernare de dreapta din România


EVOLUȚIA LIBERTĂȚII ECONOMICE ÎN ROMÂNIA (scorul reflectă situația anului anterior):

Anul Guvernul Premierul Președintele Punctaj Loc în lume
1995 FDSN Văcăroiu Iliescu 42.9 89
1996 FDSN Văcăroiu Iliescu 46.2 117
1997 FDSN Văcăroiu Iliescu 50.8 109
1998 CDR+PD Ciorbea Constantinescu 54.4 96
1999 CDR+PD Ciorbea/Vasile Constantinescu 50.1 121
2000 CDR+PD Vasile Constantinescu 52.1 115
2001 CDR+PD Isărescu Constantinescu 50.0 124
2002 PSD Năstase Iliescu 48.7 130
2003 PSD Năstase Iliescu 50.6 130
2004 PSD Năstase Iliescu 50.0 133
2005 PSD Năstase Iliescu 52.1 124
2006 DA Tăriceanu Băsescu 58.2 84
2007 DA Tăriceanu Băsescu 61.2 66
2008 DA/PNL Tăriceanu Băsescu 61.7 69
2009 PNL Tăriceanu Băsescu 63.1 65
2010 PDL-PSD Boc Băsescu 64.2 63
2011 PDL Boc Băsescu 64.7 62
2012 PDL Boc Băsescu 64.4 62
2013 PDL/USL Boc/MRU/Ponta Băsescu 65.1 59



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8 Comments Romania socialista. Evolutia libertatii economice in ultimii 18 ani si clasamentul mondial in 2013.

  1. meioza

    Asta cred că ar fi dovada irefutabilă că Constantinescu a fost un președinte mai slab decît Iliescu, nu numai ca reprezentant al dreptei, ci ca politician în general…

    BTW Singura propoziție din analiză cu care nu sînt de acord e „Inflation is relatively high”… 🙂

  2. Bleen

    Dom’le, de unde se vede treaba ca uneori cifrele vorbeste ( ca Marean Vanghelie) scurt si cuprinzator. Coreea de Nord – puscarie curata. Nema libertate ( as fi totusi curioasa sa stiu de unde rezulta punctul ala si jumatate). Iar la noi, cat se poate de clar: cu toata debandada si coruptia ( permanent prezenta in ultimii 23 de ani), totusi, mari minunatii face libertatea ( chiar si relativ haotica, asa…). Daca-l lasi pe om liber, chiar si haiduceste, dezorganizat, scoate capu in lume, Incet, greu, da sigur. Nu stiu zau daca in 2014 ne mai iese. Pare din ce in ce mai greu. Da sa ne tineti totusi la curent la anu. E interesant daca dam inapoi si pana la ce punctaj/nivel. clasamentul asta, in da finalmente argument pentru ce ma intreba taica-meu ( pensionar) asta vara: care-i diferenta dintre guvernarea Nastase si precedentele/urmatoarele. Eu, lucrand in justitie si in contact permanent si cu adminsitratia publica ( avocat), de vreo 19 ani, i-am spus spontan si scurt: guvernarea Nastase a fost cea mai tare mafie politica instalata peste tara, pana acum. Nimic ( nici macar in justitie) nu trecea de ei, ci, cel mult, pe la ei. Asta am trait, de asta m-am lovit, asta i-am spus. Se vede treaba ca perceptia mea ( empirica, nu stiintifica) a fost corecta. De asta va multumesc, pentru ca iata, acum am si argument. Thanks.

  3. Bleen

    The Dutch settled on the island in 1598 and abandoned it in 1710, Mauritius became a French colony in 1715 and was renamed Isle de France. The British took control of Mauritius in 1810 during the Napoleonic Wars. The country became an independent state as a Commonwealth realm on 12 March 1968 and Republic within the Commonwealth on 12 March 1992.
    The Mauritian Constitution is based on the Westminster model. The head of state is the President but constitutional power is vested in the Prime Minister who is the head of government. Mauritius is highly ranked for democracy, economic and political freedom.
    In 1598 a Dutch squadron under Admiral Wybrand Van Warwyck landed at Grand Port and named the island „Mauritius” after Prince Maurits van Nassau, the ruler of his country.
    France, which already controlled neighbouring Île Bourbon (now Réunion), took control of Mauritius in 1715 and renamed it Isle de France.
    Despite winning the Battle of Grand Port, the only French naval victory over the British during these wars, the French surrendered to a British invasion at Cap Malheureux three months later. They formally surrendered on 3 December 1810, on terms allowing settlers to keep their land and property and to use the French language and law of France in criminal and civil matters. Under British rule, the island’s name reverted to Mauritius.
    The British administration, which began with Sir Robert Farquhar as Governor, was followed by rapid social and economic changes. Slavery was abolished in 1835.
    At the outbreak of World War II in 1939, many Mauritians volunteered to serve under the British flag in Africa and the Near East, fighting against the German and Italian armies. Some went to England to become pilots and ground staff in the RAF. Mauritius was never really threatened, but several British ships were sunk outside Port-Louis by German submarines in 1943.
    Mauritius adopted a new constitution, independence was proclaimed on 12 March 1968, and the country became a member of the Commonwealth realm. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam became the first prime minister of Mauritius.
    Mauritius was proclaimed a republic within the Commonwealth twenty four years after independence on 12 March 1992.
    The National Assembly is Mauritius’s unicameral parliament, which was called the Legislative Assembly until 1992, when the country became a Republic. It consists of 70 members, 62 elected for four-year terms in multi-member constituencies and 8 additional members, known as „Best losers” (cum ar fi la noi PPDD the best losers şi PDL the worst losers), appointed by the Supreme Court to ensure that ethnic and religious minorities are equitably represented. The president is elected for a five-year term by the parliament.
    The 2012 Ibrahim Index of African Governance ranked Mauritius first in good governance. According to the 2011 Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries, Mauritius ranks 24th worldwide and is the only African country with Full Democracy.
    According to The Heritage Foundation the trials are fair and the legal system is generally non-discriminatory and transparent. The Independent Commission Against Corruption investigates offenses and can confiscate the proceeds of corruption and money laundering. Mauritius is one of Africa’s least corrupt countries.
    The Mauritian constitution makes no mention of an official language. It is only in the Parliament that the official language is English; any member of the National Assembly can also address the chair inFrench.[5] However, English is generally accepted as the official language of Mauritius and as the language of government administration, the courts and business.[6] The constitution of Mauritius and all laws are written in English. The Mauritian population is multilingual; most Mauritians are equally fluent in English and French.
    Mauritius is ranked high in terms of competitiveness, investment climate, governance and freest economy, the Gross Domestic Product estimate was at $20.225 billion and GDP per capita income over $15,595 in 2012, one of the highest in Africa. Mauritius has an upper middle income economy, according to the World Bank in 2011. For the fifth consecutive year, the World Bank’s 2013 Ease of Doing Business report ranks Mauritius first among African economies and 19th worldwide out of 183 economies in terms of ease of doing business. Mauritius has built its success on a free market economy, according to the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom, Mauritius is ranked 8th worldwide.

  4. BarbuMateescu

    Bravo, Bleen!
    Guvernul cu cea mai mare creştere: Văcăroiu/PSD (4 puncte/an). Probabil pentru că e uşor când porneşti de jos.

    Cea mai mare creştere într-un an: Alianţa DA, 6 puncte în 2005.
    Guvernările care au avut în prim plan sau au inclus PSD/FDSN: creştere medie de 1,31 puncte/an.
    Guvernările dreptei (incluzând CDR): creştere medie de 1,01 puncte/an.

    Guvernările dreptei (doar ADA, PNL şi PDL; fără CDR): creştere medie de 1,62 puncte/an.
    De fapt, din 1997 cam batem pasul pe loc, cu excepţia venirii la putere a alianţei DA care a dat un mare brânci înainte. CDR, PSD-ul lui Năstase, guvernarea Boc 2009-2012 n-au făcut cam nimic.


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