Linkuri si offtopice – 30 octombrie 2013

foto: Amsterdam

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17:58 – Primul bancomat din lume care opereaza cu o moneda virtuala s-a deschis in Canada – Știrile PROTV

02:54 – Rasmussen asks voters who they agree more politically: Obama 42%, Tea Party 42% – Bluegrass Pundit

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15 Comments Linkuri si offtopice – 30 octombrie 2013

  1. Florina Neghină

    Ponta a zis să mîncăm mai multă vită. Să-nţeleg că ne bagă pe alimentaţie raţională sau că ne îndeamnă să-i devorăm pe-ai lui?

    Da, ştiu, şi că porcul să meargă mai mult la export. Ceea ce face deja.

    1. adina

      Papa e si el langa Merkel pe lista NSA. Probabil cand americanii se saturau de lectiile de germana faceau switch pe Radio Vatican sa asculte slujba de seara. Altfel nu pot sa-mi explic.

  2. Bleen

    Sfînta Olga…

    ”The Drevlians sent twenty of their best men to persuade Olga to marry their Prince Mal and give up her rule of Kievan Rus. She had them buried alive. Then she sent word to Prince Mal that she accepted the proposal, but required their most distinguished men to accompany her on the journey in order for her people to accept the offer of marriage. The Drevlians sent their best men who governed their land. Upon their arrival, she offered them a warm welcome and an invitation to clean up after their long journey in a bathhouse. After they entered, she locked the doors and set fire to the building, burning them alive.”

  3. Bleen

    PDL a militat pentru alegerea președinților CJ și a primarilor într-un singur tur. PDL s-a opus descentralizării. Acum USL face descentralizarea și are 90% dintre președinții de CJ. Măcar pentru prostie și PDL tot ar trebui să se desființeze ca partid politic.

    1. adina

      Observ ca nu scrie de cand si pana cand cu facultatea. Daca ar mentiona asta, ar trebui sa specifice si anii de relaxare in between.

  4. DanCanada

    Un articol fain tare despre website-ul obamacare si despre firma care l-a facut (CGI):

    La care un comentator care stie despre contracte de-astea cu guvernul a zis:

    „Everybody thinks CGI got selected because of cronyism, but I have another theory:

    I have been in gov contracting for a long time, and I know that sometimes a project comes up where all the competent and honest contractors wont touch it with a 10 ft pole. They know the contract, schedule, floating requirements, and the incompetence of the gov idiots managing the project/requirements/schedule. And they know there is no way the job will be done on time and actually work. But when they dare to say that, nobody on the gov end will listen to them. Whenever that happens, there is always some shyster like CGI who is willing to tell the gov idiots everything they want to hear, so of course they will get the job, despite having a past record of miserable failures. Of course we can meet your ridiculous schedule, no problem if you delay your requirements baseline to the last few months for political reasons, no problem with only allowing 2 weeks for end to end testing (when anybody honest would have demanded 2-3 months at least), no problem with integrating all these disparate contractors together without an integrating contractor, no problem with using mandated outdated technology, no problem with maintaining complete privacy of users data. And all the time the contractor is very careful to write the contract and all the reviews and paperwork in a way that they can’t be held financially liable when the disaster they know is coming happens. And since the gov people in this situation are normally complete idiots and political hacks, under intense political pressure, they will let the contractor get away with it, say they believe the lies, and pass those lies upward to superiors who never question them.

    Of course the leftists will now all cry, isn’t it terrible that we had this dishonest contractor, they ruined everything. But the real dishonesty and stupidity is in the gov appointees in charge of managing the project. If you have a competent and honest gov team, this does not happen, and competent gov teams, who are not under unreasonable political pressure, tend to attract more honest and competent contractors. But of course we are dealing here with Obama, Sebelius, and the HHS they appointed, not a competent or honest person in the whole lot of them, and everything is political.”

    1. Nea

      Uneori, specificaţiile cerute de guvernul României par scrise de copii de 8 ani, întrebaţi ce maşină ar vrea ei să aibă. Cel mai puternic motor, volan din aur, etc. Nu e aşa, nu sunt tâmpiţi funcţionarii ăia. Rostul e să pună pe fugă furnizorii cinstiţi, care, vorba comentatorului, nu s-ar atinge de proiect nici cu o prăjină de 3 metri. Ca apoi, funcţionarii cei isteţi să atribuie contractul de achiziţie publică unor firme pe sprânceană.


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