Grecia, acum. Azi.

Oferta de ultimă oră, de ultim minut, de ultimă secundă a UE (Jun. 29, 2015, 10:22 PM):

ATHENS (Reuters) – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made a last-minute offer to Athens in a bid to reach a bailout agreement before the deadline expires on Tuesday, European Union and Greek government sources said.

Under the offer, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras would have to send written acceptance by Tuesday, in time for an emergency meeting of the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers to be held and agree to campaign in favor of the bailout in the planned July 5 referendum. –

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Dar cum nimeni nu se aşteaptă ca Tsipras să accepte oferta UE, un cîntecel vesel să cîntăm.


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