Corlăţean, a case of necessity being the mother of invention. PDL, a tight-lipped bunch.

Alegerile din 2004:

„However, the foundations of the PSD-constructed house of cards were severely shaken by the seismic impact of a clear Băsescu victory.”

Suspendarea lui Băsescu (2007):

„We need to make sure that Geoană and other key figures know we are concerned over seeing the Social Democrats line up explicitly with retrograde elements like the Conservative and Greater Romania parties in order to topple a popularly elected President and a reformist Justice Minister.”

„Geoană told the diplomatic representatives that the “genie is out of the bottle” and the time to create a new balance within Romanian governing institutions had arrived.”

„Geoană complained that Băsescu’s instincts were anti-democratic and anti-European.”

„We had taken note, however, of the fact that the Social Democrats had aligned themselves with several problematic political groups in pursuing this effort, especially the right nationalist Greater Romania Party of Vadim Tudor. This was likewise the case in the censure motion against Justice Minister Monica Macovei. Some observers might conclude that the effort as a whole was being supported by elements from Romania’s past that were trying to reassert their dominance over the country’s political and economic life.”

„Chirieac maintained that there was now active coordination among the opposition parties and the oligarchs who control the top national media, with the objective of undermining Băsescu’s popular standing.”

„Băsescu’s popularity, Chirieac claimed, was already falling.” :)))

„Hrebenciuc said that the PNL was, if anything, even more determined than the PSD to remove Băsescu. He said that he had heard from PNL contacts that they were fearful that the PSD might stop short of removal, leaving the Liberals in the lurch.”

„Hrebenciuc said that Băsescu advisor (and former pollster) Sebastian Lăzăroiu also appeared to be encouraging Băsescu to take a more confrontational attitude.”  (în sfîrşit, am aflat cine e scandalagiul din spatele lui Băsescu)

„Hrebenciuc’s enthusiasm over the prospect of running dark horse candidate PSD Secretary General Corlăţean as the party’s presidential candidate appeared to be a case of necessity being the mother of invention.”

Coaliţia PDL-PSD (2008):

Blaga added: “They’re both awful. Orban should be arrested for exceeding his ministerial budget by 600 million euros; Antonescu is a great speaker but he’s lazy and works just two hours a day, and that’s only if he feels like it.”

„Blaga dismissed Vanghelie as a “tool” of a shadowy clique of Interior Ministry officials, including General Iliescu, Tomas Zaharia, and General Voicu (whom Vanghelie tried to promote for the Interior Minister slot). “They’re the real bosses, Vanghelie is the one who gets stuck paying the bills for them.”

„Blaga is one of the few PDL insiders who speaks his mind candidly both in public and with us, as his colleagues are generally a tight-lipped bunch.”

„While we have heard recent rumors of a growing rift between Băsescu and PDL “old boys” (including Blaga and Transportation Minister Videanu) there was no overt evidence of a rift except for flashes of annoyance over Băsescu’s recent policy choices, including his decision to form a government with the PSD camp and the wisdom of confronting PSD head Geoană directly.”

Sursa: Kamikaze

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7 Comments Corlăţean, a case of necessity being the mother of invention. PDL, a tight-lipped bunch.

  1. Nea

    Eu aş vrea să văd o telegramă scrisă de un angajat al unei ambasade a României (oricare angajat, oricare ambasadă).

    Aş ţine-o pe noptieră la caz că am insomnie.

  2. Yeba

    Oare cind Chireac zice una-alta, astia cum stiau sa deosebeasca semiadevarurile de semimanipulari, nu prea mi-e clar? Nu era suficient de clar ca Chireac insusi e pielea altcuiva direct interesat in continutul stirii?

    @Platon, eu am citit pe net ca (daca am inteles bine) la intrebarea unde sunt cablogramele ruse, chineze etc. wikileaks raspunde ca ei si-au propus sa demaste tarile care-si mint cetatenii, avand legi care impun respectarea drepturilor omului si ale altor state si incalcandu-le nerusinat; or, Rusia si China, de ex, nu au au astfel de legi, deci nu-si mint cetatenii.

    Asa ca las' ca frica pazeste bostanaria si nu vor fi scurgeri de documente din alde Rusia, dar si daca ar fi, n-ar fi relevante pt wiki 😆

  3. Platon

    bine, bine; au fost publicate niste lucruri despre care se cam stia, altele de-a dreptul "savuroase".

    totusi este ceva putred aici:

    1.vantul si-a trimis un emisar la Julian Assange care a facut o tranzactie mai mult ca sigur avantajoasa pt.el.

    2.inflatie de "editii speciale" la televiziunile siameze cu mutari de accent, trimiteri in derizoriu, concluzii gen Rogozan (plecaciuni la inalta poarta)sau hot-lips Gadea (Basescu se amesteca in justitie)si multe altele.

    ma intreb de ce nu sunt publicate (si cred ca exista!…) telegrame ale misiunii diplomatice a Rusiei în România. ele nu ar aduce ceva nou pentru noi? sau aici e clou-ul emisarului eolian?


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