Grow sane!

There are not that many windmills left in this world and I am tired of fake Don Quixotes. I am tired of those who use insanity as an alibi, as a defense or as a weapon. I am tired of those who sell it as art or as virtue.

Taking pleasure in your own insanity is a disguised statement of self-idolatry.

Your secret wish is to destroy others by destroying yourself. You want the whole world annihilated through your wish of self-annihilation.

But the world is not here to serve you; or to resist you. The world has its own thing. So, before it is too late, stop punishing the world through your insanity! There is absolutely no dignity – and no revenge – in refusing to cooperate with reality.

Yes, sanity is a challenge for all of us. Actually, I think you need to have a passion for it in order to succeed in staying sane. It is easier, for all of us, to succumb to various forms of insanity

Of course, sanity has its own dirty secrets, but it is still a graceful and honorable attempt to take responsibility for our own actions instead of letting others manage our outbursts and inappropriateness.

Also, when it comes to sanity, it is its quality, not quantity that matters.

Actually, sanity should be the new sexy. It is so wild, it is so rare, so extravagant, so extraordinary, so vulnerable, so powerful, it should make it on any catwalk, in any bedroom, in any political campaign.

Only he who is sane will find the courage to be eccentric, unique and truly marvelous.

An insane person is boring. An insane person is made of standardized symptoms, not of human attributes. An insane person is broken self-loving machine.



De-famatorily Romanian

Hysteria and paranoia are national illnesses in Romania.

More often than not, the so-called “national consciousness” has to do with some kind of neurotic self-importance rather than with a healthy, well-grounded national pride.

The sane ones are vulnerable. They are less and less sure of their own sanity, while the deranged ones have never been surer of the truthfulness of their delusional reality.

There is not only a lack of scruples, there is also an arrogance about it. The arrogance alone qualifies one as a leader, as an intellectual, and as a moral agent.

A lack of arrogance makes you invisible, therefore the lack of arrogance is simply – and often genuinely – incomprehensible in the public space.

All signs of sanity are controversial. The debate heats up and soon you discover that (your) sanity lacks legitimacy. If you’re sane, you’re morally disqualified. And unquestionably blind. The emperor is fully dressed!

The sane ones are concerned with little, indispensable things while the insane ones think big, loud, and low. Obviously, their approaches of all social, political and existential matters are mutually exclusive.

So nothing works because everything works pathologically. We’re the living proof that, in a rotten world, all fools are dangerously guilty.
