De ce anticorupția nu mai este temă principală

Citesc pe Hotnews despre puternicul mesaj anticorupție dat de către oficialii americani, atît Rex Tillerson cît și Donald Trump, în ordinea întrevederilor avute de către Klaus Iohannis la Washington și am impresia, eu de aici, dar care am urmărit cu maxim interes evenimentele, că se exagerează nepermis, în zona de bulă a platformei respective.
Au fost mesaje anticorupție, dar la limită, la granița celor principale, care au fost cu totul altele. Klaus Iohannis nu a fost chemat la Casa Albă ca să i se arate susținerea în lupta anticorupție, asta trebuie să fie spus și asta trebuie să înțelegem, ci pentru NATO și interesele americane în zona europeană și nu numai.
Anticorupția este tema noastră recurentă, devenită obsesie pentru unii. Am auzit și citit nu numai în iarna acestui an ”să terminăm întîi cu lupta anticorupție și pe urmă ne ocupăm și de altele”.
Nu! A termina cu lupta anticorupție înseamnă a lucra cu roboți, cu ”omul nou”, născut din laboratoarele neomarxismului. Corupția, ca fenomen, este cunoscută de cînd lumea și pămîntul și tot cît ele va și dura. Pentru simplul fapt că omul este un păcătos și furtul condamnabil. A nu ține cont de morala și învățăturile creștine în privința asta înseamnă a da din ceva rău, dar ținut sub control, în altceva care poate cauza mai mult rău decît toată corupția de pînă acum. Un rău imprevizibil, un rău pe care abia acum, unii, foarte puțini, am început să-l descifrăm.
Este ca și cum am avea o sală de curs, cu invariabilii golani care fac gălăgie. Este simplu pentru profesor să-i atenționeze, să-i dea afară, să-i penalizeze la note. Dar ce am face dacă toată lumea ar fi cuminte, la locul ei, dar materia predată nici măcar de profesor bine înțeleasă? Dacă s-ar schimba complet programa, cu tot ce presupune asta?
Aici sîntem. Anticorupția este mai mult decît necesară, dar ca un ochi atent la cele care se întîmplă, nu ca un membru care intervine. Ca cineva care veghează discret ca lucrurile să se desfășoare în ordine, nu ca un actor implicat în joc. A crede că Donald Trump, creștin și om de afaceri, nu știe ce este aceea corupție și cît de importantă lupta împotriva ei este ca și cum un copil mic, de cîțiva anișori, ar spune părintelui, cu cea mai mare seriozitate, de ce crede el că nu l-a adus barza și că Moș Crăciun nu există.
Este momentul să ne maturizăm și noi. Este momentul în care trebuie să ne ridicăm la standardele impuse de către partenerii noștri. A, nu am înțeles încă ce vor partenerii noștri? Nu-i nimic, viața ne va forța să înțelegem, mai devreme sau mai tîrziu. Și să ne descurcăm singuri, începînd cu a nu mai urla de fiecare dată ”mamaaa, tataaa, Gigel mi-a furat jucăria!”.
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4 Comments De ce anticorupția nu mai este temă principală

  1. Florin

    Daca v-ati saturat de ispravile lui Dragnea si alor lui si va intereseaza ce se mai intimpla peste Ocean, mai jos transcriptul comentariului lui Bill O’Reilly de joi, 22 iunie:

    Hey Premium Members. Look at this, huh? Look at this. Welcome to the No Spin News.
    We’ve upgraded our video component, and this is just a start. I mean, we’re going to do a lot of stuff this year to enhance our No Spin News and the people who are looking at it through the podcast enjoy it as well.
    Alright, let’s start with the healthcare bill, 142 pages, out of the senate. I have to confess, this is not my area of expertise. When I was doing the TV show, there was a guy named Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother, and he was one of the architects of Obamacare. He worked for President Obama.
    FOX hired him to explain Obamacare. I never put him on the air, even though he was a pretty good guest, because I couldn’t understand a word he said. So I couldn’t debate him, I couldn’t challenge him, because he just pulled all this stuff out of the air and he’s a doctor.
    And I’m sitting there going, how could anybody know what this whole thing is?
    But I will give you some important facts right now on your healthcare. This affects you. Number one, 85% of the American public want some change to Obamacare or to abolish it. That’s overwhelming. It hasn’t worked. There’s no debate.
    So Chucky Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, they can go up there and blow smoke all day long, 85% of Americans say you know what, it’s not working. It’s not working.
    Now, the Republicans and the Democrats are basically never going to agree on healthcare because the Democratic Party wants free healthcare to poor people and people earning under $60,000. That’s just an arbitrary figure…they want it free. They want an entitlement. And many poor people do get healthcare free through Medicaid through their states.
    Medicare is national health insurance, Medicaid is state.
    So this is what the debate is all about. Right now, the Medicaid payments, and that money comes from the feds, from us, from the taxpayers, unlimited. It’s unlimited under Obamacare to give poor people healthcare.
    The Republican Party says no, we’ve got to have limits on it and the states have to impose those limits. So we’ll still pay Delaware and Idaho and Nebraska, but you have to handle the money we give you. It’s not going to be just unlimited money.
    That’s the main point of contention. Democrats don’t want that, they want unlimited Medicaid payments, Republicans do. That’s what there is to understand.
    Now, the senate bill has pre-existing conditions, insurance companies can’t punish you for that or raise your premium. It’s not fair because you could then not buy health insurance because you don’t have to anymore, that mandate is out. And then if you get sick, then you buy it. That’s not really fair to the other people who buy it when they’re not sick and pay a premium rate. You pay the same rate and you wait around and the insurance companies don’t get that money. So you don’t get your premiums until you get sick. See, there’s got to be some kind of gizmo there to have an elevated status. There has to be. It’s not fair.
    That’s going to be a big brawl, because the House, the House of Representatives, in their bill they said that insurance companies could raise for pre-existing. The senate says no.
    Now, there’s a whole bunch of other stuff in there. It’s numbing. You need a PhD. Is it going to pass? I don’t know.
    Guys like Rand Paul, the senator from Kentucky; he’s got his own vision. I don’t know if they’re going to be able to reconcile this bill.
    I don’t think it’s going to pass next week. That’s what Mitch McConnell wants. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Then they go on vacation and all of that. So I’m not that optimistic about this. The Republican Party has a lot riding on it. If they fail to get any reform of Obamacare, voters are going to remember that. They’ll remember it.
    Ok, President Trump announced today there are no tapes of Comey. He kills me. So Trump says there might be tapes about what, a month ago, a month and a half ago, about his conversations with the former FBI director. He says it to create doubt in Comey’s mind.
    So Comey’s going what did I say? If I testify under oath one thing and he’s got a tape, I could be charged with perjury.
    Trump’s just messing with him. He’s just messing with him. I knew it but I couldn’t say it because it was speculation on my part, but I know Trump. I know he does stuff like that, and after the Nixon debacle, anybody taping stuff in the Oval Office…that’s not good. That’s not what you want to do.
    It’s interesting because Trump has an opportunity here with the healthcare thing. I mean, if he can get it through, that would be big. But even without that, the Russia thing is dying. The ratings for the Trump haters on cable TV are going down. The story is dead, nothing new. Investigation, so what? Not going anywhere right now. So the president should seize that and not light it up again.
    So I was thinking last night, look, it’s very similar, what we’re seeing now, to what Hillary Clinton went through. Hillary Clinton had emailGate, had Benghazi, and had her Clinton Foundation. None of the three of them were really investigated the way they should have been because Barack Obama was the president, and he made damn well sure these investigations really didn’t go the way they should have gone.
    So you had Hillary Clinton constantly being battered by people who didn’t like her about these three. It’s all legit. Absolutely legit. I mean, email, the woman says I’m going to do my private server and put national security at risk while I’m Secretary of State. That’s big. She made that decision, that’s on her.
    Benghazi, she didn’t pay attention to it. I’ll launch the investigation and I’ll wrap it right up for you. She didn’t pay attention. The ambassador over there who was asking for protection, for her and her minions it didn’t matter. They didn’t really care and then bang it blows up. And then she runs to cover her butt.
    And the Clinton Foundation, which is the biggest story, in my opinion…Benghazi is a big story, but not paying attention, what are you going to do? The Clinton Foundation, there’s a lot of bad stuff there. A lot of bad stuff, and I said this from the beginning. The Clintons used that multi, multi, multi million dollar fund to zip around the world in private jets, to live large, to make deals, political deals, economic deals, you name it. They used it, they used the charitable fund to do it.
    Yeah, they kicked some money over to some causes, but that’s not what it was about. So that Clinton Foundation, boy, if somebody got into that fabric…they’re probably smart enough not to disobey the laws on charity. I have my own foundation, and the New York Times investigated it and came up with nothing because every blanking cent that we get from my foundation goes to charity, with the exception of the accountants, who have to be paid. Because we have to file with the IRS, and the accountants have to keep track of the money and where it goes. I say give this to this, they have to cut the checks. All of that.
    But we are as clean as you could possibly be. I didn’t use that charity for anything. I don’t even have a checkbook on the charity. I have no expenses on the charity. And I wouldn’t take a nickel from that charitable money.
    Ok, so that’s Clinton, Hillary Clinton.
    Donald Trump, they’re trying to make him out to be Hillary Clinton, but what’s lacking is any facts. We have facts on Benghazi, on the emails, and on the foundation, the Clinton Foundation. There are facts, in stone facts.
    On the Trump/Russia collusion, there’s no facts. Nothing. It doesn’t exist. That’s the difference. Now maybe there will be facts, maybe that will happen someday, but right now, nothing. That’s the difference. There’s nothing for me to talk about on that front. Produce something and I’ll talk about it. But that doesn’t stop the Trump haters in the newspapers, you all know the papers that do it, and on MSNBC and CNN.
    Interestingly enough, Sean Hannity is taking on the television people. Usually, in the past, this is breaking down now as cable becomes balkanized. You know, people are in and out, some days they get decent ratings, some days they don’t. It’s a whole different world than it was just four or five months ago.
    So Hannity basically is saying ok, I’m going to call out Rachel Maddow. She’s the big conspiratorialist on MSNBC, and her ratings have gone up because she weaves these tales of Donald Trump is the devil and all this stuff. And every day it’s something else. She doesn’t have any evidence. She just weaves it. Whatever comes into her mind, she has her writers put it up there and this one’s doing this, this one’s doing that. Alright, I never in a million years would watch that. Unless you have a fact, don’t waste my time with maybe, could have….
    So right before that sound bite, Hannity did excoriate Rachel Maddow by name. And then he went down on all the people at NBS who he wants to react to it. So make no mistake, Sean Hannity is going after Rachel Maddow.
    On the CNN front, it was Newt Gingrich telling President Trump, apparently, not to allow CNN into the White House briefings. The former Speaker of the House talked to Martha MacCallum about CNN:
    Martha: You said you think the president should cancel relations with CNN and exclude them from the briefing room? Really?
    Newt: Look, when Harvard reports that a network is 93 percent negative, they’re not a news network, they’re an attack network. Why play with them as though they were serious? These people find excuses, they have talking points to attack Donald Trump all day, every day.
    Macron, the new president of France, just kicked two networks out because he said they were propaganda networks. Well, I regard CNN as a propaganda network.
    Martha: Well, the prior administration suggested the same thing about Fox News and the other news organizations stuck up for us, so do you think that’s fair play?
    Newt: I don’t think Fox News was ever anywhere close to 93 percent negative. I actually think you were remarkable fair and balanced, and I think that that’s the difference. Explain to me why if you’re looking at a reporter who you know nine times out of ten is going to be negative, why would you allow them to ask a question? What good does it possibly serve the president?
    So you have pretty strong evidence that CNN is a hate-Trump network and will never give him a break or the benefit of the doubt. You have overwhelming evidence that MSNBC is in business to drive the president from office. That’s what they are there to do.
    So if you’re the president, you’re saying ok, look, I’m not going to get a fair shake, not even close, from these two…
    You know, I’m thinking about it, I probably would allow them to be in the White House briefings, but I tell my guy don’t call on them until they end or just ignore them, they’re way down the food chain.
    And they have the right to do that. The White House has the right to do it.
    It’s a bad situation. I think you and all other Americans, even the people who watch this stuff, I think you know what’s happening. So how much does it affect Donald Trump? Eh, it’s the people who don’t really pay attention to politics, I guess, that gets through to them on some level. But people who do, know what’s going on.

    1. Florin

      Link-ul n-a functionat. Daca totusi va interseaza subiectul, mai jos transcriptul comentariului lui Bill O’Reilly de marti, 13 iunie, dupa audierea procurorului general Sessions:
      Hey Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News. And I have to apologize for yesterday we had technical problems. And since I can barely put gasoline in my car I’m useless when the technical problems occur. So you know there was an intrusion of some kind into the recording of this podcast newscast and we couldn’t fix it. So you got a little bit of Miller we’re going to have Miller today.
      We’re going to run the whole thing it’s about 10 minutes it’s good. But I really felt badly because yesterday I was really good. So I’ll try to make this one better.
      We have a whole bunch of stuff going on. And we’re going to start with Sessions.
      My tweets are listed on the website. I tweeted the same thing that I did with Comey testimony on Thursday. I did with Sessions today. OK.
      So it was nothing.
      It really was nothing. You know he’s a very disciplined guy not flamboyant.
      He’s not like Comey was provocative because he wanted to get a point across that President Trump did the wrong thing by firing him and I guess Comey thinks that Trump is incompetent. I don’t know. Says he didn’t have anything like that.
      He his agenda was to protect himself. All right.
      And he did.
      I mean they didn’t lay a glove on him the most aggressive was his Kamala Harris the senator from California who is very bright, by the way. But it came back to the whole thing.
      Tell us what the president said to you. And Sessions kept going I’m not going to tell you that. Nobody will. None of the cabinet members will because there’s a privacy issue. If the president says go ahead, tell about all the conversations then we could but that’s never going to happen.
      And one Republican, I forget who it was, made the point I think it was a Republican Senator from Oklahoma. Said Look when we had the Attorney General Holder up here in a you know, a scandal that got a border patrol agent killed the Fast and Furious gun smuggling. He wouldn’t answer anything.
      He wouldn’t answer anything that what he said to President Obama, he wouldn’t give his documents, we had to hold him in contempt of Congress. So you know this, well you won’t tell us what Trump said to you.
      I mean the Democrats had no answer to that.
      So it was a hate Trump fest that didn’t really work. Now it’s going to be amusing and I’m probably not going to watch much of it on cable news tonight.
      I can tell you that Trump supporters used to say it was a nothing situation. All right.
      And it’s true. It was. They didn’t touch Sessions. All right. Nothing there.
      And the Trump haters the anti-Trump people will say “oh, they’re hiding something,” but Cotton the Senator from Arkansas made the strongest point. He said After six months of this committee the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating not one shred of evidence not one fact linking the Trump campaign or the Trump President elect crew to the Russians.
      Believe me ladies and gentlemen I’ve been in this business for forty-two years.
      If something had happened that would have surfaced by now. There’s nothing.
      Yet the Trump haters want to impeach him and they want to find something. They’re not going to stop because it diverts the president away from doing business of the nation and cast aspersions on his character. So that keeps the story alive as long as they can keep it alive. But I’ll tell you what.
      You know I watch the Sessions thing today and I went why, why do they bother. Sessions came in.
      He recused himself.
      There was no scandal. He made it very clear that the reason he wanted Comey out of there and Sessions did and so did Rod Rosenstein the Deputy Attorney General because the Clinton e-mail investigation and he said Comey botched it and we didn’t have confidence in him. You know that that was the reason. It didn’t have anything to do with Russia.
      Maybe it had to do with President Trump firing Comey. Russia could, but not Sessions and the Assistant Attorney General they were basing it on Comey’s actions leading up to Russia and I believe it.
      I believe it.
      I mean although to be honest and I am always with you, there is pressure put upon all cabinet members to conform to President Trump’s vision.
      Same thing with President Obama. Same thing with President Bush the youngers. Same thing with Bill Clinton. You know there’s pressure, which is why the Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Comey don’t call the Hillary e-mail investigation an “investigation” calling it a matter. That’s the pressure.
      Moving ahead. I don’t expect that this Russian thing, it’s petering out, but it’s interesting all the networks covered Sessions today and they lost millions of viewers because you couldn’t really sit there for more than 10-15 minutes. You know, you’re out of it. The hardcore news junkies yes, but not the casual viewers, but I think that after this the network executives are going to say you know what, unless they come up with something startling We’re out of this business. Cable stuff, you know, what else is cable going to talk about? What else is cable news is going to talk about. They have nothing else to talk about. I don’t see anything on the sheet that I have of any interest at all.
      It’s a very fallow. Word of the day. F A L L O W news time right now. So what going on.
      Summer is starting. It’s 95 degrees here in New York City. Always a delight. See if it’s 95 in Arizona it’s a lot of fresh air as a lot of open space.
      Here, 16 million people in the New York metropolitan area. 16 million and most of them are in a bad mood when it gets hot.
      All right. Now I want to talk about I talked about this yesterday in the podcast but since the podcast was not usable I have to do it again. But I want to do it again. Here’s what’s going to happen now.
      Even the really really committed zealots to destroying the Trump administration and they are all over the media. And now there are groups that are financing things like suing the president. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow, for anything and everything even these people are going to say all right we need to change tactics and the tactics are going to head into the quote unquote resistance.
      The resistance is all right, you may have heard that. Hillary Clinton proclaimed recently she’s part of the resistance. Now that is an interesting overtone, that word, because during World War II the resistance to Germany was all throughout Europe. The resistance fighter was in Greece in the Balkans, in France it was always known as the resistance. No accident that this is the word being used to oppose any and all Trump policies and himself. The resistance. So what is resisted. What are they resisting?
      First of all, they’re resisting you the American voter not just Trump voters but all voters. Because they are resisting accepting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. These people in the resistance do not accept what the American people did on Election Day. They’re resisting the process. The process of voting. Number one. Number two, they are resisting policies. Climate change is huge. Huge. Very emotional.
      And because President Trump isn’t buying into the PC version of climate change, they hate him. It’s a resisting act and they’re resisting any changes to the gains that the politically correct movement have made. So Trump wants to roll that back. See the PC culture and if you read Old School Life in the Sane Lane that’s what the book’s about the PC culture has made tremendous strides in this country. Typically on college campuses and even in high schools and of course in the media, which is about the most politically correct thing you could possibly be. You know you go out of the orthodoxy and you’re going to get attacked. I mean I’d put up with that for more than 20 years. And finally, the organizations allied against me, attacked the sponsorship and for various reasons and that will unfold in the months to come.
      We took attack that didn’t work, but the PC crowd is now looking for anybody that wants to roll back this insanity that we have in America. OK. That’s number two.
      Number three the resistance is against any kind of religious activity in the public eye.
      Saw that with Bernie Sanders, you know he’s grilling somebody the other day about their Christian beliefs. The man’s Christian beliefs and it was disturbing. It was disturbing.
      Open borders if you oppose open borders, which is essentially what the Democratic platform. Democratic platform is basically look the other way.
      Of the 11 million already here give them citizenship just give it to them. And on the border you know, we don’t want a wall. We don’t really want tough interdiction. Their poor people. Let them come in.
      Open borders, if you resist that if you the American citizen are opposed to that, then the resistance is after you. This is a provocative. The resistance is against equal treatment for all Americans.
      Think about that. The resistance the anti-Trump resistance is against equal treatment for all Americans. What did they want special treatment for certain groups. Special treatment. Not equal treatment. Special treatment. Now, I’m going to get into that in a little while.
      I want you just think about that. But you know there are certain Americans who get things that other Americans don’t get.
      All right. Some of that’s justified. Children who live in poverty. Got to help them. Some of it’s not justified, but if you’re in a specific group that’s designated for special treatment. That’s what the resistance wants. If you oppose that, you’re the enemy.
      Capitalism the resistance doesn’t really like it.
      All right. They want the government to control the economy.
      And Trump’s basic unfettered capitalism is important to them. And you’re resisting.
      And finally, Americans who generally support the police the resistance despises that the police are the oppressors in their eyes. They oppress. They don’t protect and defend. They actively go out and oppress certain groups like drug dealers in the inner city. Open air on the sidewalk selling heroin. They’re oppressed because when they’re arrested they’re usually people of color and they get harsh sentences in many place. That’s oppression for the resistance. So the resistance is much more than we hate Trump. That’s what allies them together, but it’s a huge agenda.
      And these people have damaged this country dramatically and they have a lot of money.
      George Soros everybody, oh George Soros, just the fact that him and a bunch of other people like him are donating hundreds of millions of dollars to groups that attack, attack, attack is a frightening thing.
      And it’s happening.

      All right let’s go to the mail Judith Bunker in Apopka, Florida. Trump should never testify be jumping into a survivors is no reason to give them more fuel and he should stop tweeting.
      The president is in no danger of being called to testify about anything. He said he would but there’s not an opinion of anything to get him in there.


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