De ce au votat britanicii ‘leave’?

merkel thatcher

Margaret Thatcher, 1990, The House of Commons:

”We want the Community to move forward as twelve… Europe is strongest when it grows through willing co-operation and practical measures, not compulsion or bureaucratic dreams.”

Angela Merkel, 2010, Bundestag:

Nobody in Europe will be abandoned. Nobody in Europe will be excluded. Europe only succeeds if we work together.

Între timp, în 2016, Europa a trecut și trece printr-o criză economică majoră, invadarea de către ruși a Ucrainei și anexarea Crimeei, iar de anul trecut are de făcut față crizei migranților, criză fără precedent în istoria sa. Merkel a arătat nu numai că nu ”abandonează” și nu exclude pe nimeni, dar că își abandonează propriii cetățeni și pe cei ai Uniunii nu în favoarea imigranților pe care susține că vrea să-i includă, ci în favoarea propriei ei lipse de soluții concrete de control și integrare, de discernămînt, precum și din cauza autoritarismului politic, în final.

Nici un om și nici o națiune nu pot fi blamate pentru că doresc să iasă de sub dictatura birocrației, a incompetenței și a debusolării totale, pentru a-și lua soarta în propriile mîini. Restul e poveste.

De ce au votat britanicii ”leave”? Răspunsul ar putea fi găsit mai jos.

Fragment din discursul Doamnei Margaret Thatcher, ținut în fața Camerei Parlamentului britanic, la 30 octombrie 1990. Cîteva zile mai apoi, avea să demisioneze. Sau să fie demisionată.

It is our purpose to retain the power and influence of this House and not to denude it of many of the powers.

I wonder what The Right Honourable Gentelmen’s policy is in view of some of the things he said.

Would he have agreed to a commitment to extend the Community’s powers to other supplementary sectors of economic integration, without having any definition of what they are?! Would he?! Because you would of thought he would from what he said.

One of them was that the Commission wants to extend its powers and competence into the area of health.

We said no, we weren’t going to agree to those things, and from what he says he sounded as if he would for the sake of agreeing, for the sake of being little sir echo and saying me too. Would he have agreed to extending qualified majority voting within the Council, to delegating implementing powers to the Commission, to a common security policy all without any attempt to define or limit them?!

The answer is yes! He hasn’t got a clue about the definition of some of the things he is saying let alone securing a definition of others.

Yes, the Commission does want to increase its powers, yes it is a non-elected body and I do not want the Commission to increase its powers against this House. So of course we are differing, of course the Chairman of the President of the Commission, Mr. Delors, said at the press conference the other day, that he wanted the European Parliament to be the democratic body of of the Community, he wanted the Commission to be the Executive, and he wanted the Council of Ministers to be the Senate.

No! No! No!

Or! Or! Or! Ah! Perhaps the Labour Party would give all those things up, easily, perhaps they would agree to a single currency, to total abolition of the pound sterling. Perhaps being totally incompetent with monetary matters they’d be only too delighted to hand over the full responsability as they did to the IMF, to a central bank.

The fact is they have no competence on money, no competence on the economy, so yes The Right Honourable Gentleman would be glad to hand  it all over. And what is the point in trying to get elected to Parliament, only to hand over your sterling, and to hand over the powers of this House to Europe.


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